International Relations Directorate

Application Criteria

Provided that they are in the final year of high school or they are high-school graduates;


  • Who are foreign nationals,
  • Those who are Turkish citizens by birth and hold the permission from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Turkey to cease to be a Turkish citizen, and their underage children who are registered on these people’s expatriation document and provide evidence of ownership of the document issued in accordance with the Turkish Citizenship Law on the Exercise of The Legal Rights (According to Turkish Citizenship Law, those who were born in Turkey or abroad from Turkish national mother and father within a conjugal union are Turkish citizens by birth. Therefore, Turkish nationals who are going to apply from abroad are recommended to read the aforementioned law),
  • Dual citizens being foreign national at birth and became citizens of the Republic of Turkey later,
  • Those who are Turkish citizens and continued their secondary education abroad before 01/02/2013 and completed the last three years of their secondary education (high school) in a foreign country except TRNC (including those who completed the secondary school (high school) in the Turkish schools that were established in the care of MNE in a foreign country except TRNC),
  • Who started the secondary education after 01/02/2013 and completed the whole secondary education (high school) in a foreign country except TRNC (including those who completed the whole secondary education (high school) in the Turkish schools that were established in the care of MNE in a foreign country except TRNC)
  • Those who are nationals of TRNC and reside in TRNC, and completed the secondary education in TRNC and have GCE AL exam results,
  • TRNC nationals, who enrolled in a college or high school in other countries between 2005 and 2010, and have GCE AL exam results or will be holders of it,

can apply.


  • Those who are Turkish citizens and completed the whole secondary education in Turkey or in TRNC (except those who completed the whole secondary education in a foreign country other than TRNC),
  • Those who are TRNC citizens (except those who completed the whole secondary education in TRNC and have GCE AL exam results),
  • Those who are dual citizens, who are originally Turkish citizens by birth, described in the subclause b of the first clause of the Article 5 (except those who completed the whole secondary education in a foreign country other than TRNC and those who completed the whole secondary education in the Turkish schools in a foreign country other than TRNC),
  • Those who are dual citizens, one of his/her citizenship is TRNC citizenship (except those who completed the whole secondary education in TRNC high schools and have GCE AL exam results and those who have or will have GCE AL exam results by enrolling and training in colleges and high schools in other countries between 2005 and 2010),
  • Those who are Turkish citizens or dual citizens, who are originally Turkish citizens by birth, described in the subclause b of the first clause of the Article 5 and received education within the schools of Embassies in Turkey and in the foreign high schools in Turkey.

can not apply.

NOTE 1: Pursuant to the Principles Regarding the Admission of Students from Abroad, for the applicants who have the opportunity to apply for admission quotas from abroad;

-   Blue Card holders,

-   Turkish students who studied abroad (Except for TRNC),

-   Those who have two citizenships, one of them being Turkish

the following departments/programs will accept students up to 10% of the main quota of the related departments/programs;

-   Teaching,

-   Law,

-   Medicine,

-   Dentistry,

-   Pharmacy.


The quota of Medicine Department: 90

Quota amended basing the criteria above: 9 (%10)

For detailed information: 

*The decision not to exceed 10% of the quotas taken for Teaching, Law, Medicine and Dentistry programs in the student quotas to be accepted from abroad does not cover the students who have dual citizenship by acquiring Turkish citizenship while they were still holding the citizenship of another country.

The above-mentioned decision covers the candidates who are Turkish citizens by birth and who lost their Turkish citizenship by obtaining permission from the Ministry of Interior to get out of Turkish citizenship, candidates who certify that they have a Blue Card given to those who have lost Turkish citizenship upon their request, the applicants with Turkish citizenship or dual citizenship (one of them being Turkish citizenship) and those who completed their high school education in a foreign country except TRNC (Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus).

NOTE 2: With the letter on “ Turkish Citizens who benefitted from International Student Admission Quota” sent by the Council of Higher Education to all higher education institutions on 06 November 2020 it is decided;

- That the applications of candidates who receive a diploma from a high school abroad through distance education without being abroad will not be accepted within the framework of the international student acceptance quotas,

- Not to process applications, in the context of diplomas obtained through formal education from a high school abroad, if the period of stay in the relevant country does not support the formal education of high school after checking the entry and exit stamp from the passport or police records to the country where the diploma was taken.

*The duration of stay in the relevant country will be evaluated by the "Istinye University International Student Recruitment Commission", which will support the formal education of high school.

- To seek the conditions for Transfer Procedures from Higher Education Institutions Abroad to Higher Education Institutions in the Country published in the Student Selection and Placement System Guidelines for the relevant year in order to benefit from the provisions of the Regulation on the Principles of Transition between Associate and Bachelor's Degree Programs, Double Major, Minor and Inter-Institutional Credit Transfer in the relevant year, and the conditions regarding the Transfer Procedures from Higher Education Institutions Abroad to Higher Education Institutions in Turkey, published in the Placement System Guidelines in case they start their university education abroad by studying in a high school abroad with the distance education system without being in the relevant country.

For the candidates whose applications will be evaluated within this scope, the rules to be followed/the documents to be requested by our university are as follows:

-  In order for the candidate to get high school equivalency, he/she should not hold high school graduation in Turkey. In this context, a document showing the graduation status via e-devlet system

- Passport entry-exit stamps showing the candidate's active education abroad (minimum two-thirds of the total education period) and the current international exit letter to be obtained via e-devlet system

- Signed/stamped document showing that "formal education" is given by the school that has given the diploma

Click here for the document sample.


Candidates who are only Turkish citizens and have completed their entire high school education abroad will be required to submit their high school graduation status in our country so that their applications can be evaluated as an international student.

The relevant document can be obtained from the High School Graduation Certificate Inquiry area in the e-devlet system.

If the documents mentioned above cannot be submitted during the application, the application of the candidate will be considered invalid.


The selection process is based on the scores from the exams listed below.

SAT I (Scholastic Aptitude Test) SAT (Evidence- Based Reading/Writing/Math):
1200 toplam puan ve en az 600 matematik
(1200 points in total and at least 600 points for maths)
SAT (Evidence- Based Reading/Writing/Math):
1000 toplam puan
(1000 points in total)
GCE A LEVEL A Level düzeyinde Fizik, Kimya, Biyoloji , Matematik konularından en az 2 konuda A seviyesinde puan
(Grade A is requested for at least 2 A Level courses in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics)
A Level düzeyinde en az biri başvurulan programla ilgili olmak üzere, en az 2 konuda D seviyesinde puan
(Minimum Grade D for 2 A Level courses, at least one of them should be related to the department that the candidate applies for)
ACT 24/36 21/36
MATURA 2.5/5 3.5/5
ABITUR  2.5/6 3.5/6
TR-YÖS or Any International Student Exam (YÖS) Held by Turkish Universities



Yukarıda belirtilen sınav türleri ve puanlarına sahip olmayan adaylarda;
Candidates who do not have the exam scores mentioned above;

Yurtdışından alınan diploma/transkript'te Tıp, Diş, Eczacılık Fakültesi için minimum %80, diğer bölüm ve programlar için minimum %60 başarı şartı aranacaktır.
For those who graduated from abroad, a minimum of 80% success will be required in their transcripts/diplomas for the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy and a minimum of 60% for other departments and programs.

*Tıp, Diş, Eczacılık Fakültesi'ne başvuran adaylardan, genel not ortalamasına ek olarak minimum 1 akademik yıl kimya ve biyoloji dersi almış olması ve ilgili ders ortalamalarının minimum %80 olması şartı aranır.
*Candidates who apply to the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy are required to have taken chemistry and biology courses for a minimum of 1 academic year in addition to their grade point average and the average points of the related courses should be at least 80%.

(NOT: Diploma'ya ek olarak herhangi bir sınav zorunluluğu aranmaz.)
(NOTE: No exam score is required in addition to the Diploma.)

Yurtiçi ve Yurtdışında MEB'e bağlı bulunan liselerden mezun adaylar için, diploma/transkript'te Tıp, Diş, Eczacılık Fakültesi için minimum %70, diğer bölüm ve programlar için minimum %60 başarı şartı aranacaktır.
For candidates who graduated from high schools connected to MEB (National Ministry of Education) in Turkey and abroad, at least 70% success for the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy and at least 60% for other departments and programs will be required in their diplomas/transcripts.

**Tıp, Diş, Eczacılık Fakültesi'ne başvuran adaylardan, genel not ortalamasına ek olarak minimum 1 akademik yıl kimya ve biyoloji dersi almış olması ve ilgili ders ortalamalarının minimum %80 olması şartı aranır.
**Candidates who apply to the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy are required to have taken chemistry and biology courses for a minimum of 1 academic year in addition to their grade point average and the average points of the related courses should be at least 80%.

(NOT: Diploma'ya ek olarak herhangi bir sınav zorunluluğu aranmaz.)
(NOTE: No exam score is required in addition to the Diploma.)

*Diploma ve transkript'e ek olarak yukarıda belirtilen sınav türleri ve puanlarından birisine sahip olan adaylar önceliklendirilir.
*In addition to diplomas and transcripts, candidates who have one of the exam scores mentioned above will be prioritized.

**Yukarıda belirtilen Yabancı Uyruklu Öğrenci Sınavı (YÖS) geçerlilik süresi 1 yıldır.
** The validity period of the Foreign Student Exam (YÖS) mentioned above is 1 year.

***Lise bitirme sınavı statüsünde olan sınavların (Abitur, Matura, International Baccalaureate, GCE vb.) geçerlilik sürelerinde herhangi bir sınırlama bulunmamaktadır.
*** There is no limitation on the validity period of the exams (Abitur, Matura, International Baccalaureate, GCE, etc.) which have the status of the high school graduation exam.

Yukarıda belirtilen YKS ve TYT puan türlerine sahip olan adaylardan ek bir sınav ve puan talep edilmeyecektir.
(An additional exam score will not be requested from candidates who have YKS and TYT scores mentioned above.)

*Lisansüstü başvuruları lisans diploması ve transkripti ile kabul edilir.
*Graduate degree applications are evaluated with undergraduate diploma and transcript.

**Başvuru için lisans/lisansüstü diplomasında minimum %60 başarı şartı aranır.
**For application, a minimum of 60% success will be required in undergraduate/graduate diploma.

***Lisansüstü program başvurularında uluslararası öğrenci statüsündeki adaylardan Akademik Personel ve Lisansüstü Eğitimi Giriş Sınavı (ALES) puanı aranmaz.
***Academic Staff and Graduate Degree Entrance Exam (ALES) scores are not required for candidates in international student status for the graduate program applications.

****Eğitim dili Türkçe olan tezli lisansüstü programlarda Türkçe Dil Yeterliliğine ek olarak İngilizce Dil Yeterliliği aranabilmektedir.
****In addition to Turkish Proficiency, English Proficiency might be required for the graduate programs with thesis.

Eğitim dili İngilizce olan lisansüstü programlarda yalnızca üniversitemiz tarafından kabul edilen İngilizce Dil Yeterliliği puanı ibrazı zorunludur.
Submission of an English Proficiency score that would be found eligible by our university is obligatory for the graduate programs taught in English.

*****Sağlık Bilimleri ve Fen Bilimleri Alanına başvuran adaylardan "Niyet Mektubu" talep edilmektedir.
*****"Letter of Intent" is required from the candidates applying for the Fields of Health Sciences and Applied Sciences in addition to the required documents.

*Başvuru koşullarını sağlamış olmak adayın başvuruda bulunduğu bölüme/programa kabul edildiği/edileceği anlamına gelmemektedir.
*Providing the application conditions does not mean you can be/have been admitted to the department.

**Adayın kabul/ret kararı değerlendirme sonucunda belirlenir.
**Whether the candidate is accepted for the department is determined after evaluation.

Please click here for admission criteria of our graduate degree programs.

In addition to the application criteria, certain admission conditions are sought in order to be able to practice the profession after completing the education of the following programs:

Civil Aviation Cabin Services:

1) Not having a criminal record or criminal archive record.

2) For women, to have a height between 160 cm and 180 cm (weight should be at most 5 kilograms more or 15 kilograms less than the last two digits of the value expressed in centimeters).

3) For men, to have a height between 170-190 cm (weight should be at most 5 kilograms more or 15 kilograms less than the last two figures of the value expressed in centimeters of height).

4) Health status to be suitable for flight (They are required to obtain a report from the health institutions authorized by the General Directorate of Civil Aviation, indicating that their health status is suitable for flight.) 

Click here to see the health institutions.

5) When the flight attendant uniform is worn; tattoos, scars, etc. will not be seen on visible parts of the body. 

Aircraft Techology:

1) Not having any Criminal Records or Criminal Archive Records that would prevent them from receiving an airport entry card.

2) Receiving a committee report (color blindness, hearing loss/deficiency, vision loss/ deficiency, etc.), provided that they have received within the last 6 months from a full-fledged hospital that there are no health problems that would prevent them from performing their profession and / or duty.


Applications are made by filling out the online application form on our website.


Candidates are required to scan the documents listed below and upload them through the application form.

Required Documents for Undergraduate Admissions;

  • Application Form
  • Copy of ID in Passport
  • English/Turkish Translation of High School Diploma (If the candidate graduated from an institution abroad)
  • English/Turkish Translation of Transcript 
  • 1 Passport-size Photo
  • National-International Examination Result (If the student will not apply with her/his High School Diploma)
  • An approved copy of exam results of SAT I, ACT, GCE, etc. or another national or international examination (If available)
  • For the departments which have Turkish Medium of Instruction; TÖMER Certificate which is awarded by Universities (B2, If available)
  • For the departments which have English Medium of Instruction; TOEFL IBT- Overall 75 (Provided that it has not been 2 years since the exam has been certified) (If Available)
  • Residence Permit (If Available)

Required Documents for Graduate Admissions;

  • Application Form
  • Copy of ID in Passport
  • English/Turkish Translation of Bachelor's Degree (If the candidate graduated from an institution abroad)
  • English/Turkish Translation of Transcript
  • Certificate of Equivalence or Certificate of Recognition
    *Certificate of Recognition is requested from candidates who apply for graduate programs in Social Sciences and it will be provided by our university. Candidates who apply for graduate programs in the healthcare field need to get a Certificate of Equivalence from the Council of Higher Education.
  • 1 Passport-size Photo
  • Turkish Proficiency Certificate (C1)
  • Residence Permit (If Available)


Evaluation of the applications and placement of candidates are made by the International Student Acceptance Committee of Istinye University.


The result of the application is notified to the applicants via the e-mail address written on the application form.

A “Conditional Acceptance Letter” is sent to the candidates who meet the required criteria by the International Relations Directorate of İstinye University.

In the light of the information written on the Conditional Acceptance Letter, “Official Acceptance Letter” is sent to the applicants who paid their pre-registration fee and the applicants are expected to come to the related department of the university within the announced registration dates and complete their registration process.

*Pre-registration fees paid by students who do not come to complete the registration process within the calendar announced by the university are not refundable.


The medium of instruction at our university is Turkish and English.

Please click here for detailed information on Language Exam Exemption Criteria.


The following documents are requested during the enrollment:

  • Passport or identification card, the original copy of them if they are in Turkish or English; Turkish or English translated copy of the page showing identification information that was approved by a public notary or consulate,
  • The original copy of the high school diploma and its English or Turkish copy approved by a Turkish representative office,
  • 6 passport photo
  • The original copy of Exam Result Document and its English or Turkish copy approved by a TR representation office,
  • The bank receipt showing the tuition was deposited (the Board of Trustees determines the tuition every year),
  • Student visa taken from the representation offices of the Turkish Republic in their countries,

*Foreign students are required to take "Residence Permit" from Istanbul Immigration Authority of Ministry of Interior.