International Office

Course Selection Procedures

Announcement Regarding Course Selection Procedures for 2023-2024 Academic Year

For Associate and Undergraduate Programs;

  • Course Registration Dates: 9-13 October 2023
  • Course Start Date: 16 October 2023

For Graduate Programs;

  • Course Registration Dates: 16- 20 October 2023
  • Course Start Date: 23 October 2023

For English Preparatory School;

  • Course Start Date: 09 October 2023


Academic Advising

Your academic advisor will assist you with education, training, course taking and other academic matters.

You can view your academic advisor's information on the main screen by logging into the student information system. You can communicate with your academic advisor via automation, and you can also send an e-mail.

* If your academic advisor is not displayed in your system, course selection cannot be made. In this case, please contact the Secretary of the School/Faculty/Institute you are registered.


Course Selection Procedures

You can log in to your student information system with your username and password sent to the email address used during registration.

You can select courses from course selection screens in student information system, taking into account the course selection calendar announced on our main website.

*Students who do not have financial approval will not be able to complete course selection procedures. For detailed information you can contact with
**For more detailed information regarding course selection procedures, you can contact the Secretary of the School/Faculty/Institute you are registered to via the contact information below.

Vocational School:

Vocational School of Health Sciences:

Faculty of Medicine:

Faculty of Dentistry:

Faculty of Pharmacy:

Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architecture:

Faculty of Economics and Administrative:

Faculty of Communication:

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences:

Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences:

Faculty of Health Sciences:

Institute of Graduate Programs:


Distant Education System (Blackboard Learn)

Distant Education System (Blackboard Learn), and Student Information System (OIS) work synchronously. 

The courses you registered for via OIS during the academic year are automatically transferred to the distance education system the next day at the latest.

You can access course contents, attend live classes, watch recorded lessons and take online exams via Blackboard system.

Check the link for detailed academic calendar

Click here for ISU Password Infomation

We wish you a successful academic year.

Best regards,
International Office