Uluslararası İlişkiler Direktörlüğü

Early Registration Payment Term For The Academic Year 2018-2019

Dear students,

Early registration payment term for the academic year 2018-2019 (only for international students) will be between June 18, 2018 and July 31, 2018.
Special advantages of early registration payment term:
*USD exchange rate will be fixed to 4,40 TL between June 18, 2018 and July 31, 2018.
*Between June 18, 2018 and July 31, 2018, 5% early registration discount will be applied.
*5% discount will also be applied on single payment.
**Currency peg and early registration discount will not be applied to re-enrolments after the period between June 18, 2018 and July 31, 2018.